Orange County, CA Newborn Photographer // Amazing story of friendship and love

Think about your best friend. All the fun times you’ve had together. All the laughs you’ve shared. Maybe you’ve even been through some tough times together. Now let me ask you this…..would you carry a baby for your best friend for 9 months?!

Back in May I received a phone call from a woman named Michele. She lives in NYC with her husband and she was interested in booking a newborn session with me. It’s always exciting when I get calls from strangers who want to book a session! When she told me her best friend who lives in the city adjacent to me was their gestational carrier I literally got chills! I cannot think of a bigger act of love that one friend can do for another. The ultimate selfless gift.

Fast forward to June. Michele and Brian flew out to Orange County from New York to await the arrival of their baby boy. Sam arrived at the end of the month and then we set up his session date. Besides getting to snuggle with a newborn baby for three hours, I also get the privilege of getting to know the parents during a session. Sometimes you just really click with clients, and with Michele and Brian there was a definitely connection. They now feel like friends instead of strangers! We had great conversations and just look at the amazing photos we got of their most precious gift!

And to Michele’s friend who I never met……You are a tremendous woman. Friend. Mother. Person.


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